Seven Dials Conversion Completed
September 18 2023

Conversion of a former security office into a bike store in Fielding Court @7dialslondon now complete by Principal Contractor RS Property Services for Shaftesbury Capital PLC

Global U.S. Investment Firm Appoints F&T to Successfully Negotiate Terminal Dilapidations Schedule for Old Street High-Rise Office Space
September 4 2023

The freeholder of this high rise modern building in #oldstreet instructed F&T to carry out a terminal schedule of dilapidations to one of the 2,800sqft offices.

F&T Concludes Brixton Dilapidations Claim, Secures Cash Settlement for TCNUK Landlord
September 3 2023

Terminal dilapidations claim concluded and cash settlement agreed with a tenant who has occupied the office space since 2013. 

A Big F&T Welcome to Gerard Albert
September 2 2023

We welcome Gerard Albert to the design department as Senior Architectal Technician.

F&T Complete the Standard Chartered 2023 5k
September 1 2023

Evening 5km annual @stanchart charity city run around the closed off streets of City complete for another year. #teamfandt will see you again in 2024.

RS Property Services Completes Space-Efficient Flat Refurbishment in Seven Dials for Shaftesbury Capital PLC
August 30 2023

FLAT REFURBISHMENT COMPLET for Shaftesbury Capital PLC reconfiguring and refurbishing an existing two-bedroomed first-floor flat to make better use of the space available, carried out by RS Property Services.

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