
Ilchester Estates


Return Property Services Ltd


Flat 3 Holland Park Road, Kensington, London W14 8NA

Contract sum

£160,000 excluding VAT

See Video >


The apartment occupies the second and third floors of a mid-terraced residential property which was scheduled for refurbishment and modernisation, with a focus on preserving the property’s original features and period character.

The flat was located within an occupied property requiring clear communications with the residents throughout the project.

The layout maximised the space to enable three double bedrooms.

The unexpected exposure of the historic fire-damaged joists towards the end of the project required a coordinated response to limit the impact on completion.

The project exposed historic fire damage between the upper and lower parts of the flat. We coordinated repairs to the fire-damaged floor which enabled retention of the existing services and partially damaged joists to limit the impact on completion.

We were able to include a light refurbishment of the common parts to uplift it alongside the flat refurbishment works.

Client Brief

To modernise the layout of the apartment to meet current expectations.

Our role

  • We completed a full service on all aspects of the project including preparation of the design, contract administration and principal designer and the CDM regulations.
  • Advised on the procurement of the works and obtained a negotiated tender.
  • Carried out a value engineering exercise after receipt of the priced schedule of works to meet the client’s budget.
  • Coordinated alterations to the layout alongside a structural engineer to maximise their use as double bedrooms.
  • Consulted with an energy advisor to enable the EPC rating to be increased to a C.
  • Carried out an acoustic test between two occupied flats to enable a design which reduced the sound transfer to the flat below.